Did I forget to tell you that?
Steve and I don't talk much on the phone when he is on a trip.
When it comes to our phone calls, I am usually busy at home or work, so I don't have much time to talk about things other than the necessary stuff. As for Steve, he just isn't that much of a phone talker. I think most guys are this way. Sure we talk, but conversations are usually short and to the point. I am cool with it. Steve is cool with it.
Where we get in trouble with this is when he is home and we have conversations that begin with:
"I don't think I told you..."
"wait, didn't I tell you? I thought I told you..."
"oh shoot, I must have forgotten to tell you..."
"why didn't you tell me..."
And this action doesn't just effect us, it effects our family too.
I am sure my family gets annoyed with me when trying to make plans and I will respond with:
"well, Steve gets home in 2 days, but when he gets home we will talk about it..."
"Steve and I just haven't talked about it yet..."
In the last month or so:
- I have forgotten to tell Steve that Ben was spending the night at my aunt's house with his cousins.
- I have forgotten to tell Steve that one of his friends from high school had a baby girl.
- Steve has forgotten to tell me about a conversation he had with someone about a baby shower I am hosting.
Not to mention, there are so many of life's moments that he misses with this job. I am talking about the little moments in life that can easily be forgotten in a day or two. I love our smart phones, and even social media like this blog and facebook, so that I can share with Steve moments in our life at home that he would miss otherwise: like the other night when I walked into CC's new big girl room and saw this precious sight:
Or this scene out the bedroom window the other night
or just a simple picture and a message that reads "good morning Daddy"
This next one is hilarious...I was trying to get a cute one of the kids in the tub, and somehow I snapped it just in time for CC's demonic look. She was saying "cheeeeeeese" here:
or the video I took and posted on facebook, before I set up a youtube account, of CC trying to say "corn" in Polish:
If I don't send these little things here and there, there would be so much more that he would miss from our lives.
Sometimes he will even send me messages too, like this from the other day:
"as beautiful as it is, I would still rather be home with you!" he wrote. If he wasn't 12 hours away I would have figured it was just laying it on thick to get in my pants.
Let's just hope we don't miss anything major in our lack of phone conversations....
I second you smart phones are the best I am not sure how I survived before I had one.