I can't get enough of you

Poor Steve...he married a woman whose love language is physical touch.

If you haven't read about the Five Love Languages, you need to read it now.  In short there are five love languages: physical touch, acts of kindness, words of affirmation, gifts, and quality time.  One, or a combination of a couple, is the love language that speaks to you.  For me, being touched by Steve is how I feel his love for me.  When he touches me, he fills my love tank.  When my love tank is full, I am happy.  

Steve's love language is acts of kindness.  When I do kind things for him, I fill his love tank.  When his love tank is full, he is happy.

This is precisely why I try my hardest to make a point to have a clean house and a good meal when he gets home.  I know that makes him happy.

If you want to read about an empty love tank, and Steve drilling into his finger, check out this previous post: http://comebackdaddy.blogspot.com/2014/05/empty-love-tank.html

Let's all remember something here - Steve is gone anywhere from 3 to 4 days a week, flying the friendly skies.  With this absence, one could easily understand how hard it is for me to get my love tank filled.

But, I have learned through the years how to work through a love tank that is starting to drain...I basically can't stop touching him when he gets home.

Perhaps some guys would like the constant touch from a woman, but keep in mind that Steve's love language is NOT physical touch.  He just wants my shoes to be put away at the end of the day...that is good enough for his love tank.  He knows what I need, so he is very accommodating.

But, picture this, the poor guy just spent 3-4 days pretty much alone. And yet the second he walks into the door I can be all over him.  I always greet Steve when he gets home.  Sometimes I sort of wave from afar as he enters the house.  While other times, I basically jump on him the second he steps into the house.  I can be very grabby and probably quite suffocating.  Greetings like this usually lead to an evening where I sleep on top of him.  I guess our positioning is more cuddling, where I am laying my head on that sweet spot on his chest. But, my legs are all over his.  The poor guy just slept the last number of nights alone in a bed, and here I am trying to get my love tank filled by trying to make every inch of my body touch every inch of his body.  The poor guy...I am about 6 feet tall and weigh about 160 pounds.  That is a lot of weight to be on top of you when trying to sleep.

The catalyst for this blog post was the other morning when I was leaving for work. He just got in the night before.  As I was leaving for work I gave him a big hug, probably grabbed his ass, and said "I can't get enough of you."  And that was the truth of it, I just needed more of him.

Now, perhaps that is a physical touch/love thank thing, or perhaps it is a pilot wife thing.  Having moments where you can't get enough of your man when he is home may definitely be a pilot wife thing...


  1. I have just been introduced to your blog. I think we are married to the same guy. (small chuckle) Not literally of course. My husband is a pilot, too. I have had situations that you have described that are so similar it is eery. I feel comfort to know that I'm not alone with these thoughts/experiences. Thank you!

  2. I feel so releived to know that I am not the only pilots wife out there who feels this way! It's something I sorta struggle with...
    Plus his love language is also " acts of kindness" and mine happens to be " lots n lots of touch n physical affirmation"..... Loads n loads.... N that can be quite a problem, like you've just described in your blog....
    I love my husband very much and he's the sweetest, nicest person ever!.... He helps me out with housework n dishes etc... And all that is good no doubt... I just wish he'd " get" that I can't have enough of him... When he's away it's awfully lonely n no amount of focusing on other stuff n self pampering really helps... It does ease things but there's always that gnawing sense of ... He's not here... Most of my life revoles around " when K comes home " ..... N most of the times it doesn't all go according to plan... K is tired and exhausted... All he wants to do is nap or watch a movie or read company mails on his iPad...or go for a run.... N it's all unwinding without me. I sorta feel like I'm still waiting for him... Even when he is home...
    And yes, even I grab him... Manytimes..I guess he just has lots to do and I'm probably more intense types... Who focuseson one subject intensely n so distracting my attention to other areas is difficult for me... I don't know.... I really wish I had lots going on in my life so I would not focus on him.... But I think even if I did have it that way I'd still want him just the same way I do now...I'd still not get enough of him.
    Thank you so much for sharing your reality... It takes a lot to share so much so candidly n honestly, without your blog It would be pretty hard for me to ... Let go n breathe easy and know that I'm not the only one in this sort of situation.

  3. I just found your blog! My husband and I can totally relate to this, only our love languages are swapped. I'm home working full time with four kids, and he's off "working" (flying to Hawaii, Switzerland, Greece, etc.) I like the house perfect, laundry done, and happy kids. The minute he gets home he wants sex!!! I'm slowly learning that that's how he feels love, but it's hard not to feel like a piece of meat! I guess my love languages are a mix of: words of affirmation, quality time, and service. My ideal homecoming would be, "thanks honey the house looks amazing, is there anything I can help you with, want me to take the kids so you can get some alone time??" Instead it's, "mmm, let's go snuggle, I want to hold you. .." the minute he walks in the door.
    I'm excited to follow your blog, it's fun realizing how similar many aspects of our lives really are!

  4. I just found your blog! My husband and I can totally relate to this, only our love languages are swapped. I'm home working full time with four kids, and he's off "working" (flying to Hawaii, Switzerland, Greece, etc.) I like the house perfect, laundry done, and happy kids. The minute he gets home he wants sex!!! I'm slowly learning that that's how he feels love, but it's hard not to feel like a piece of meat! I guess my love languages are a mix of: words of affirmation, quality time, and service. My ideal homecoming would be, "thanks honey the house looks amazing, is there anything I can help you with, want me to take the kids so you can get some alone time??" Instead it's, "mmm, let's go snuggle, I want to hold you. .." the minute he walks in the door.
    I'm excited to follow your blog, it's fun realizing how similar many aspects of our lives really are!

  5. I just found your blog! My husband and I can totally relate to this, only our love languages are swapped. I'm home working full time with four kids, and he's off "working" (flying to Hawaii, Switzerland, Greece, etc.) I like the house perfect, laundry done, and happy kids. The minute he gets home he wants sex!!! I'm slowly learning that that's how he feels love, but it's hard not to feel like a piece of meat! I guess my love languages are a mix of: words of affirmation, quality time, and service. My ideal homecoming would be, "thanks honey the house looks amazing, is there anything I can help you with, want me to take the kids so you can get some alone time??" Instead it's, "mmm, let's go snuggle, I want to hold you. .." the minute he walks in the door.
    I'm excited to follow your blog, it's fun realizing how similar many aspects of our lives really are!


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